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Tips for Safe Summer Fun

Tips for Safe Summer Fun

Stay Safe with Sunscreen, Sunglasses and Plenty of Water The longer, sunshine filled days of summer are upon us and without a doubt, they are one of life’s unrivaled joys, especially when you protect yourself from the powerful impact of ultraviolet rays. With that in...
Exercise Is Good Medicine

Exercise Is Good Medicine

Get Up and Join the Movement As we emerge from the doldrums of winter hibernation and COVID-19-related inertia, it’s important to remember that exercise is good medicine and there’s no better time than now, to get moving again. “There isn’t a chronic condition that...
What’s Keeping You Up at Night?

What’s Keeping You Up at Night?

Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety, Insomnia and Sleep Anxiety A good night’s sleep does more than refresh and revitalize. It’s essential to your health, so make it a priority to understand what’s keeping you up at night. “Healthy sleep is as important as proper nutrition...